At the end of the day, at the end of the year, and even at the end of our lives, the moments we will be remembering fondly will be the best ones. The very best bits. And so 3 years ago I began a collection of videos I call my “Best Bits” series.
When I have a particular adventure or period of my life I want to remember, I make myself a video to look back on. While I hope to share the good vibes of these videos with as many folks as possible, at the core of it, I really make these videos for me. One day, future Mandy is going to thank past Mandy for this.
But no no… it’s not all about me. I also want to send a huge shout out to everyone who has supported me in one way or another this year. You may not have made it into the video, but let me tell you… I LOVE YOU. I am well aware that I would not be the woman I am today without the love, support, the shoulders to cry on, and even the subtle comments on social media that keep me going. Thank you. Deeply.
And so without further ado, please join me for the best bits of my year. And if you feel so inclined… check out little past Mandy’s adventures too!
The Best Bits: 2015 The Best Bits: 2016 And now introducing… The Best Bits: 2017
2018 Calendars now available!
With support from nüCamp RV | Princess Craft RV | 3 Legged Thing | Hoodman | Schneider Optics | Nikon | Westcott | Urban Hair | Precision Camera | Bear Claw Carpentry | Red Bud Suds