More and more I have been receiving the advice “Be careful, Mandy!”. While I understand this comes from a place of caring, I have only this to say: I will be mostly careful.

The Jeep and I stopping for a selfie with the Sun after filming the Vlog!
I have no death wish, yet I understand that adventure, and ultimate success, comes from taking risks. So I aim to take many risks. Many, many appropriate risks.
Such risks often include solo hikes. A necessity for a photographer traveling alone, wishing to reach the magical places. Last night was no exception. While I ran into a few more risks than usual, I ended up with 3 images that I’m very happy with, and 1 lesson that I will never have to learn again. I don’t regret it for a minute.
The story is 8 minutes long… but I promise it’s entertaining. Enjoy….
Video Blog #7: Scorpions and Spiders and Cougars, Oh My!
with 3 Legged Thing | Hoodman | Schneider Optics | Nikon | Nik Software | Inda Eaton

My favorite capture on the trail down to the Window. Mandy Lea Photo

The ultimate view from the end of the Windows trail. Mandy Lea Photo

A final stop before returning to the car, to capture lightning alongside the milky way. Mandy Lea Photo.