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Finding free time while full timing

When people ask me what it’s like to live on the road, I tell them it’s pretty much as they imagine it might be. It’s wonderful, amazing, life-changing, and… difficult.

One of the most unexpected hardships I’ve encountered is the difficulty of managing my time with an ever changing day to day routine. I’m my own boss now, and man am I hard to work for! With my new found freedom also came a whole new slew of dreams and desires… leaving very little time to do, well, nothing.

With my most recent video I am yet again playing catch up on my recent adventures, along with renewing my vow to be more steadfast in my video production. I am grateful to have moved into a new home: Rocky. He’s complete with a table and indoor coffee pot for long sleepless nights like I used to pull back in my “normal” life.

Check out the video for a quick catch up on tiny house festivals, trailer rallies, the Great Smoky Mountains, and my adventures at nüCamp. Click here to sign up for the üCamp with nüCamp rally.

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